Dark Clouds Above?

We can’t always be happy. Losing one’s job; losing a loved one; the break-up of a relationship; or illness (yourself or a loved one) can result in dark clouds above.

It may take time to work our way through difficult periods in our lives.

We can all find ourselves in vulnerable circumstances.

Vulnerability is something that can affect us all.
While some issues can lead to permanent vulnerability, fortunately in most cases it is a temporary phenomenon. But when it happens, you need to be assured that the professionals who support you fully understand its consequences and how best to continue to provide the highest quality service in these changed circumstances.

Hayden Kilkelly understand that vulnerability can be physical, mental, emotional or simply the result of a lack of understanding.

Being dynamic in nature, it may be short-lived or longer term, sometimes permanent, transient, recurring or fluctuating over time and may be hidden.

Hayden Kilkelly are committed to the Financial Vulnerability Taskforce Charter and will act appropriately and with sensitivity in each case.

Using appropriate language is important. For example, Hayden Kilkelly recognise that vulnerability relates to circumstances and not to a category of person and will not seek to label you as a vulnerable person but someone who is currently in vulnerable circumstances.

Hayden Kilkelly make sure all members of our team deal compassionately, empathetically and effectively with those in vulnerable circumstances.

Financial decisions reached at a time of higher emotions carry a higher risk of being unsound and inappropriate. We are a safe pair of hands.

Our award winning advisory process will consider ‘what if’ scenarios, ensuring that your decisions will be better and smarter for having considered your bigger picture.


~The HK Way~

How much is enough?
How much is enough?
Dark clouds above?
The Generation Game
Trustee Responsibilites

~Awards & Accreditations~