Professional Connections

We work closely with professionals in both the Accountancy and Legal professions, providing their personal and corporate clients, as well as ours, with a holistic financial planning solution encompassing lifestyle financial planning, tax, and estate planning.

A couple of examples:

Matrimonial Work

We benefit from referrals from Family Law Solicitors primarily because pension contracts, and how to split them, can form an integral part of a divorce agreement.

As well as the technical expertise needed to advise in this area, our empathetic and warm client approach is most appropriate. Our Ongoing Care service details how we put client interests and aspirations first.

Most financial planners like to begin at the end. That is, they prefer their journey with your client to begin at the end of the divorce process, when the financial consent order has been stamped and all that is required is for the agreement to be implemented. It’s easier. All of the hard work has been done.

We can do that too, but we much prefer to begin at the beginning.

We can add much more value to you and to your client/s as the Family Practitioner.

We begin by running a Lifetime Financial Plan forecast to show the financial future for your client before any financial agreement has even been discussed. This will probably be the worst case scenario.

We will then run any number of alternative scenarios to establish the impact of any financial offers that you may be considering making, or any proposals which may have been made by the “other side”, and how they will impact on your client in the future.

The Lifetime Financial Plan forecasts will help, through numbers and pictures, to demonstrate which settlement is likely to be the most beneficial for your client or, equally, can be used to demonstrate to the “other side” (or indeed the court) why their proposals might not be acceptable. We add value throughout the process, taking every step with you and your client/s.

Estate Planning

We often deal with clients who are approaching retirement and, at that time, their main concerns are will I be ready? and how much is enough?

However once they have entered into retirement, and with good management of their assets, thoughts can soon turn to how much is too much?

Using our award winning Lifetime Financial Planning process we can help to demonstrate to clients how much they will need to not only maintain their standard of living throughout retirement, but also do all of the things that they’ve always wanted to do and live their lives to the full.

Once this planning exercise is complete, if the outcome is that clients have more wealth than they need, then they can often gift significant amounts either outright to the next generation or into Trust; safe in the knowledge that they won’t be leaving themselves short and, as you know, the earlier they do this the better.

Our HK Way service provides this planning for our clients as a matter of course and we do this for clients of our professional connections upon request.

If you would like a practical demonstration or have clients who you think would benefit from this service, please get in touch.

~Awards & Accreditations~